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Current Major Activities

COMPETITION AND STATE AID After more than two years of negotiations, the European Commission (EC) and the Slovak Government closed the pre-accession Chapter on Competition (October 24, 2002). Both institutions continuously ignored appeals of CEPA and the Friends of the Earth – Slovakia protesting against unfair measures favoring large foreign corporations at the expense of small domestic businesses which represent serious distortions of the market environment and contradict the EU regulations on competition. CEPA published a case study which included a chronology of all relevant events and a summary of problems resulting from unfair competition policies of the Slovak government. In addition, we continue in monitoring of effects of subsidizing transnational corporations in Slovakia.

For more information, contact Roman Havlicek, Foreign Direct Investments Project Coordinator (Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovacími robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie potrebujete mať nainštalovaný JavaScript.)

BILLIONS FOR SUSTAINABILITY CEPA has finished its works on a three-year project of Friends of the Earth Europe and the CEE Bankwatch Network "Billions for Sustainability?" and starts a cooperation with other partners in Central Europe as well on preparation of conditions for transparent, democratic and sustainable use of future structural and cohesion funds which will become available after accession.

For more information, contact Helena Zamkovská, EU-Accession Project Coordinator (Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovacími robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie potrebujete mať nainštalovaný JavaScript.)

PUBLIC MONEY - PUBLIC INFORMATION CEPA documents the ability of the Government to fulfill its pre-election promises and obligations resulting from the Government Program in terms of transparency of public institutions in using public funds. We try to enforce the right to access to relevant information, e.g. on loan programs of international financial institutions (such as conditions of MEUR 200 loan provided by European Investment Bank for “Restructuralization of Slovak Railways” in July 1999), on involvement of these institutions in disputable economic liberalization, on decision of the Government to provide billions of SKK to private French car producer, etc. We document all cases and publish in the form of brochures.

For more information, contact: Peter Mihok, CEE Bankwatch Coordinator for Slovakia (Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovacími robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie potrebujete mať nainštalovaný JavaScript.) and Juraj Zamkovsky, CEPA Executive Director (Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovacími robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie potrebujete mať nainštalovaný JavaScript.)

CAMPAIGN TO ENSURE THE PUBLIC INTEREST DURING THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE SLOVAK WATER SECTOR CEPA has prepared a set of informational materials on the possible scenarios for water sector reform in Slovakia, on risks of privatization of water services, on how to prevent the failures experienced by governments and municipalities in other foreign countries, and particularly focusing on inspiring examples of effective public management of water systems, and the opportunities available for Slovak municipalities to cooperate with their foreign partners who operate effective and transparent water and sanitary systems. The purpose of the campaign is to provide municipalities with information about the potential risks of inaccurate restructuring of the water sector and to help them to find an effective management method without sacrificing public control over these services.

For more information, contact Roman Havlicek, Foreign Direct Investments Project Coordinator (Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovacími robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie potrebujete mať nainštalovaný JavaScript.

